Friday, January 21, 2011

Wow three years since I've used this thing huh ? Well guess I'll give a quick rundown.

Now dating a man named Mike for a little over 2 years now. He's pretty awesome. It's hard to ask for more in one person. The only things that truly bother me about him and that I would give a lot to change is the fact that he smokes and that he doesn't believe in god. The second one being the worst. He's also a little bit of a marriage/kids/growing up a-phobe. But he has some pretty amazing qualities that help work with the rest. LOL. He's very sweet to me. Funny how romantic he can be when he wants to be. I think my newness is wearing off a bit though cause ever since we got a place just the two of us the romance has decreased drasticlally and now we're like an old married couple that isn't married. He knows me better than I know myself sometimes too and for some reason still loves me. He puts up with my crazy and my mood swings. Which is a HUGE test of his patience. He's also super cute and he knows it, little turd. He's a nut and makes me laugh all the time. He always knows how to make me smile even when I'm trying not to. His hugs are the best and he doesn't know that my most favorite thing about him are also the things I say annoy me when I'm grumpy. He's almost always positive and helps keep me going too. Everytime I think my life is falling apart. He hugs me and says it's all gonna be okay "you'll see" which is pretty intuitive for someone who doesn't believe in God or faith. He knows its going to be okay, he just doesn't know that God is the one that will make sure of it.

What else, work. Been working at TWC for about a year and a half now. I half love it and half hate it. I love the company and the customers. Not crazy about the micro-managing that my latest supervisor does. My previous one didn't bug me at all unless he had to give me info or something. This one however is super nice but also is not as knowledgable as the last one and is also way more negative. I'm not really sure he makes a great supervisor, but is definitely a cool person other than that.

Dad and I have actually somehow become cool with each other. He's actually been telling me he's proud of me and doesn't worry about me near as much as my siblings. Mom and Serena are in some bizarre fight that I really don't understand. Well I guess I should say Serena is mad at Mom for some crazy BS reason. I'm not sure if it's real or in her head or if it's just that her husbands issues have made her believe it's her. Been there and it sucks but I don't really know how to help her. I miss my niece and nephew that's for sure. Robert is doing okay except he's itching to go back to California, which is something else I don't understand. I don't know how or why anyone would want to barely get by for "their dream" that isn't coming true. In cali he has nothing except a few friends that probably one one family actually gives a damn about him. Here he has friends, family, a job, and is making enough money to support him, his wife, and their kids.

I'm back at school again, ive been in and out alot because I just get pulled away by excuses alot. Money, time, jobs, people, it's always something.

I'm slowly learning who my real friends are and who are just users. Sadly some of the ones that I thought were my true friends, really just use me for their convenience. Although one in particular really upsets me because I don't think she wants to be that way but she just can't seem to get her stuff together. It's pretty frustrating.

Other than that it's pretty much the same ol same ol. Hope all of you out there are doing well. I miss a lot of you.

Peace out,